Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Enviro Team

We all have a turn at being the 'Enviro team' for a week at our school. This week was our turn!

We tidied up the outside of our plastic bottle greenhouse, planted tomatoes, made seed pottles out of newspaper, sowed pumpkin, sweet pea, and sunflower seeds.

We also weeded the vege garden so it looked really tidy for the 50th celebrations this coming weekend.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Conservation Week

For Conservation Week we had a "Green Day" this year. This was a time when we got into whanau groups and had a fun time doing a variety of enviro-themed activities

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Our New Bush Track

A work in progress but huge thanks to everyone who gave up their Saturday morning to come along to a working bee developing a bush track along our "out of bounds" bank.
They made awesome progress - so exciting!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Plastic Bottle Greenhouse is completed!

 A huge thanks to Jamie, Lily, and Hunter's dad, Scott, who has taken time to see this project through! Scott - we really are excited about this and cant wait until spring to start our planting. The first tomato we grow is a sandwich for you!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

RIMU Group's Trip to a Wind Farm

What an absolutely stunning morning to visit the West Wind farm in Makara!! The sky was blue, the sun was shining and there was not a breath of a breeze to be seen.

The Rimu team were met by Carly from Meridian who talked to us about the West Wind farm, when it was established and the logistics of having the wind turbines transported and erected onsite.  The team inquired further by asking questions about how the turbines worked, how they made power, stored the power , distributed the power to households and of course, 'how the heck do people get to the top?'  Little did we know or expect that they would have elevators in them!  Great thinking designers!

After a fantastic talk given by Carly and great questions asked by the children we strolled through a forest loop track that gave us the most amazing views out over the south coast as well as the south Island. Again, we were so lucky to have had a beautiful calm day and a great bunch of parents who were able to come along to support.

A huge thank you to everyone who were able to give their time to support the groups passions and learning.  
by Whaea Kelly

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Plastic Bottle Greenhouse

Over the last year we have been collecting plastic bottles for our greenhouse. The BNZ people came on their "Closed for Good" Day last year and cut them all up. Them Jamie, Lily, and Hunter's dad built a solid frame. Tawa ITM were a great help with giving us a discount on the wood.
Bunnings were awesome as well when they donated all the bamboo!

This weekend we managed to get the walls up. All we need to do now is reinforce the insides and prepare for planting in early spring.

A huge thanks to Sarah Opie for helping source resources (with discounts!) and to Scott Bilton for seeing this project through - you are awesome!!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Being awarded with our Enviro Silver stage Certificate

Amanda, our Enviroschool's facilitator, came to our school assembly today and presented us with our with our Enviro Silver Stage Certificate. Aydn and Jackson received it on behalf of our Green Thumbs team and the school.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Manaakitanga - cleaning up Tawa

Room 4 had another great session at the swimming pool today and thankfully no rain on the way back up the hill to school.
Instead we practised being Manaakitanga by looking after our environment and picking up rubbish along the way.
Great work Room 4!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Harvest Time!

We dug our potatoes, washed, scrubbed, and cooked them up for our community picnic.